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In the last part of our “Better” series, Derek Baumann references Paul’s encouragement to Timothy in the book of 1 Timothy, where Paul says, “Fight the good fight.” He dives deep into how we can apply this powerful call into our own lives Don't miss this insightful and motivating message!

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In this impactful message, "The Closer the Better," Pastor Lonnie Keene shares powerful Bible stories highlighting the spiritual conditions of those who were distant from God. He emphasizes the truth that the closer we are to God, the stronger our faith and spiritual well-being become. Don’t miss out on this inspiring message about the power of spiritual closeness with God.

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In this powerful message, Pastor Lonnie Keene shares three specific ways we, as Christians, can improve our lives and experience positive transformation. Join us as Pastor Lonnie guides us through the process of making meaningful changes and seeing real improvement in our faith and everyday lives.

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Join us for Part 2 of our series Better, titled "Change for the Better," with Pastor Lonnie Keene. In this powerful message, Pastor Lonnie explores how we can make changes that lead to becoming better versions of ourselves, both spiritually and personally. Don’t miss this insightful teaching on embracing positive change and pursuing the better life God has for us.

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In Part 1 of our inspiring new “Better” series, Pastor Lonnie Keene discusses the journey of Christians striving for personal growth and spiritual improvement. He emphasizes the importance of identifying and avoiding the pitfalls that can hinder our progress. Join us as Pastor Lonnie shares practical insights and biblical principles that encourage us to pursue excellence in our faith and live out our calling as followers of Christ. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how to be better and make a positive impact in your life and the lives of others!

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