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Do You Have A Biblical Worldview


Join us this weekend as Elder Palmer shares a powerful message titled "Identity Over Ideology." He highlights how our view of the world is often shaped by our self-perception and reminds us that our true identity is found in Christ. Discover how understanding your identity in Him can transform your outlook and influence your life. Don’t miss this opportunity to deepen your faith!

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Join us for Part 3 of our impactful series “Do You Have a Biblical Worldview?” with "Vote Your Values.” In this message, Pastor Lonnie encourages us to reflect on how our Biblical values should guide our choices in the voting booth and beyond. Discover how to stand firm in your beliefs and make your voice heard in a way that honors God and reflects His truth.

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Join us for Part 2 of our series "Do You Have a Biblical Worldview?" with Pastor Lonnie as he explores "The Path is Narrow." In this compelling message, Pastor Lonnie discusses the importance of seeing things through God’s lens. He addresses the cultural pressures that attempt to widen the path away from God’s truth and reminds us that the Bible teaches, "wide is the way that leads to destruction, but narrow is the way that leads to life." Discover the transformative power of embracing a biblical worldview and learn how to navigate the challenges of today's world with faith and conviction!

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